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Community Organizations Serve John Marshall Students


The Clothes Closet

“I was invited to be a part of the Rotary Club and needed to wear a tie,” said senior Roberto Arozareno. “I didn’t have one, but got one from the Clothes Closet,” “I have sent students to get coats when I see them coming to school without one on a cold day,” teacher Kendra Whitman said. “Many of our students don’t have the money to be properly clothed with the changing seasons.” We want to thank NHUMC for supporting the varying needs of our students.

The Greater New Bethlehem Temple Community Development

Most JM students have lunch by noon, and many who are involved in after school activities or sports don’t get home until 6 p.m. or later. Kids were hungry after the small portions and early lunchtime and were running out of energy before they got to go home. In steps, The Greater New Bethlehem Temple Community Development to fill our student’s needs for meals. They provide home cooked dinners to students free of charge after school. “It is a long day and I look forward to the after school meal,” said junior Carissa Burris. “I am a member of the basketball team and it takes a lot of energy to go through practice.” This is one more need being met by the community and for that we give thanks.

Tinker Federal Credit Union

Tinker Federal Credit Union makes it happen at JM. They have been purchasing staff shirts, pre-week lunches for staff, and supplies for the building for four years now. They also have a bank branch in our building, providing students with career training as they work each day. Many alumni still hold positions in other branches. TFCU is great to serve staff and students alike.

Weokie Foundation

Another bank that fills student needs is the Weokie Foundation. They sponsor the senior luncheon each year and provide finance education training for students in our finance academy. Each summer they also provide job training to finance academy students.

Quail Springs Baptist Church, First United Bank Mortgage and Our Lord’s Community Church have also provided opportunities for students and staff this school year. In this season of Thanksgiving we want to give thanks to those who make John Marshall a better place to work and go to school.




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